a little ho hum, a little blah, and a dash of magic

October 16, 2009 at 6:00 am 1 comment


This evening I was feeling a little ho hum (that’s a feeling right?), a little overwhelmed, and a little blah (that’s one too!). And then a little magic sprinkled down on us.

Echo wrote her name. A few times.

It felt magical because I didn’t know she was ready, or interested, or capable. I helped her by describing the letters, but the motivation was hers and she held the pencil. It also felt magical because in the midst of feeling dissatisfied and taking this little world of ours for granted I was given a gentle little poke. Thank you Echo.

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what if… you’re so smart

1 Comment Add your own

  • 1. Alyssa  |  October 16, 2009 at 12:11 pm

    Natalie I found it so interesting to watch you with Echo. Typically, after an event like that, I expect people to heap praise onto a child. But, by doing that I understand that you’re beginning a lifetime of the good/bad – praise/punish cycle. As a child I did not respond well to that model. So I’m curious as to what it looks like to not do that.

    But, as I watched Echo write her name i got really excited…I could easily imagine myself saying things like “Oh look at you, you’re so smart…so good, blah, blah.” So, my question to you is: Do you have to fight an urge to say things like that?


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